Definition of Pump room

1. Noun. A pump house at a spa where medicinal waters are pumped and where patrons gather.

Generic synonyms: Pump House, Pumping Station
Group relationships: Spa, Watering Hole, Watering Place

Lexicographical Neighbors of Pump Room

pump-type pliers
pump action
pump actions
pump fake
pump fakes
pump house
pump iron
pump one's fist
pump out
pump priming
pump room
pump trolley
pump trolleys
pump truck
pump up
pump well
pumped up
pumped up(p)

Literary usage of Pump room

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A Journal of Travels in England, Holland and Scotland, and of Two Passages by Benjamin Silliman (1820)
"The great pump-room—The great bath— Heat of the water—Promiscuous ... We went into the great pump-room. This is a large and handsome apartment, ..."

2. The Metropolitan (1844)
"TALES OF THE pump room.1 No. VIII. THE OPERA SINGER. BARON Martinon, who in former times had owed Doctor Lange deep professional obligations, received him ..."

3. The Metropolitan (1843)
"TALES OF THE PUMP-ROOM. No. VII.—THE WALTZ. " Voulez vous danser, mademoiselle !" ANO.V. I HAVE little claim, I fear, to the title of a philosopher, ..."

4. The Metropolitan (1842)
"Tableaux Vivans, 133. i Tales of the Pump-room, 79, 180. Three Friends, 360. Tower of the Temple, 307. Universal Voice, The, 194. ..."

5. The Wits and Beaux of Society by A. T. Thomson, Philip Wharton (1871)
"Improvements in the Pump-room, &c.—A Public Benefactor.—Life at Bath in Nash's time.—A Compact with the Duke of Beaufort.—Gaming at Bath. ..."

6. The Royal Academy of Arts: A Complete Dictionary of Contributors and Their Algernon Graves by Algernon Graves (1906)
"67 The old Pump-room, Bath. "The people say here, be whatever your case, You are sure to get well if you come to this place." 110 The Judgment of Paris. ..."

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